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Help Search Articles

Selection filters

With the new filter search function, finding a product has never been easier.
The Selection Filters are found on the Category pages, in the lower left side.

To search for a specific article, you can set the search using one or more filters at the same time which indicate:

Category - search by product category (eg Cartoons or Sport)

Brand - search by specific brand (e.g. Juventus or Simpsons)

Size - search by available size of the product

Color - search by specific color (e.g. red or pink)

Target - search by age group (e.g. woman, man or child)

As soon as an item is selected within the filters, the products will automatically update and you will only display the products with the required characteristics.

Multiple purchase

To buy a product it is not necessary to click every time on buy.
Once you have chosen a product you can choose all the quantities and sizes on one or more products, after which you can give a single confirmation via the buy button which is a mobile bar at the top of the screen that follows the products also when you proceed down the list.

Online Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.